klotz: webdev*

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  1. The article explores principles and best practices of writing clean JavaScript code, emphasizing readability, maintainability, reusability, testability, and scalability. It covers topics such as meaningful variable names, object organization, function design, commenting, testing, and using modern JavaScript features.

    2025-02-23 Tags: , by klotz
  2. An exploration of why CSS pseudo elements cannot be applied to elements and a workaround using a wrapper to add icons to buttons, while recommending the use of

  3. Hugging Face announces the stable release of Gradio 5, enabling developers to build performant, scalable, and secure ML web applications with Python.

    2024-10-11 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  4. Hugging Face launches Gradio 5, a major update to its popular open-source tool for creating machine learning applications, aimed at making AI development more accessible and secure for enterprises.

  5. The article provides an overview of 12 essential Web APIs every developer should know, including Storage API, Payment Request API, DOM API, HTML Sanitizer API, Canvas API, History API, Clipboard API, Fullscreen API, FormData API, Fetch API, Drag and Drop API, and Geolocation API. Each API is explained with code examples.

  6. FastHTML is a new way to create modern interactive web apps. It scales down to a 6-line python file, and scales up to complex production apps.

    2024-08-03 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  7. A comprehensive overview of React concepts, covering components, JSX, fragments, props, state, lifecycle methods, purity, Strict Mode, hooks, Context API, lists and keys, forms, and React Router.

    2024-07-30 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  8. This article shares 6 lesser-known browser developer tools that can help developers debug their code effectively. These tools include breakpoints, performance profiling, responsive mode, Lighthouse, layers inspector, and console.notJustLog. The article also includes bonus tips on Node.js debugging and Next.js server-side debugging.

  9. With such a wide variety of JavaScript libraries available, selecting the right one can be daunting. This article highlights the top 10 JavaScript libraries to use in 2024, examining their key features, performance, and specific use cases.

  10. Tao-VanJS announced in Announcements

    2023-12-20 Tags: , , , by klotz

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