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  1. Learn how to build an open LLM app using Hermes 2 Pro, a powerful LLM based on Meta's Llama 3 architecture. This tutorial explains how to deploy Hermes 2 Pro locally, create a function to track flight status using FlightAware API, and integrate it with the LLM.
  2. This guide provides an introduction to kubectl, the command-line tool used to communicate with the Kubernetes API. It covers command syntax, useful commands, flags, and tips and tricks. It also discusses the ecosystem of plugins and tools built to expand the functionalities of kubectl and Kubernetes.
  3. A tutorial showing you how how to bring real-time data to LLMs through function calling, using OpenAI's latest LLM GTP-4o.
  4. - Introduces embeviz - a simple side project for exploring text embeddings
    - Uses backend API with GoFiber framework and frontend UI with React and React Router
    - Provides interactive charts for visualizing computed projections
    - Can label texts and select options for both projections and chunking
    - Offers swagger docs for the API, in-memory data store, and persistent data store with QDrant
  5. The authors map the landscape of frameworks for abstracting interactions with and between large language models, and suggest two systems of organization for reasoning about the various approaches to, and philosophies of, LLM abstraction.
    2024-01-20 Tags: , , , , , by klotz
  6. The api_base key can be used to point the OpenAI client library at a different API endpoint.
    2023-10-03 Tags: , , , by klotz

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