Tags: macos*

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  1. The article discusses the challenges faced in evaluating anomaly detection in time series data and introduces Proximity-Aware Time series anomaly Evaluation (PATE) as a solution. PATE provides a weighted version of Precision and Recall curve and considers temporal correlations and buffer zones for a more accurate and nuanced evaluation.
  2. Hallux.ai provides open-source solutions leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to streamline operations and enhance productivity for Production Engineers, SRE, and DevOps. Offering cutting-edge CLI tools for Linux and MacOS, they automate workflows, accelerate root cause analysis, empower self-sufficiency, and optimize daily tasks.
  3. - noTunes is a macOS application that prevents iTunes or Apple Music from launching.
    - It can be toggled on/off via the menu bar icon.
    - The application has a MIT license and is open-source.
    - It can be installed via Homebrew or direct download.
    - The application has a simple and intuitive user interface.
    2024-05-09 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz
  4. - This GitHub Gist provides instructions and scripts to enable true color (24-bit color) in Emacs for iTerm2.
    - A bash function is defined to run subsequent Emacs calls with 24-bit color.
    - An additional script is included to add a terminfo entry for a new terminal "xterm-24bit".
    - The scripts ensure that 24-bit color is used only when it will work, both inside and outside of tmux.
    2024-02-02 Tags: , , , , , by klotz
  5. Ultrainbox is a unified inbox email client (currently for mac) that connects all your email accounts in one inbox and helps automate management of this inbox by delegating organisation, tasks and actions to GPT.
    2024-01-20 Tags: , , , by klotz
  6. With the help of a hardware security key, you can configure your MacBook so that you can sign in with a PIN instead of having to type your password
    2024-01-04 Tags: , by klotz
  7. Just go to the iTerms2 preferences -> Profiles -> Keys -> set the Left/Right Option key to Esc+.
    2023-10-06 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz

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