Tags: hacks*

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  1. This article showcases a bench project featuring a Seeed Studio XIAO-ESP32-C3 microcontroller board and a 1.28-inch circular TFT display. The XIAO-ESP32-C3, known for its small size and energy efficiency, is packed with the TFT display on a prototyping board. The uncommitted pins are wired to pin sockets, creating a small bench setup.
  2. The article discusses the upcoming end of support for Spotify's Car Thing, a device that has been the subject of various hacks and research. The article highlights some of these hacks, such as gaining U-Boot and UART access to the device's Linux system. It also mentions YouTube videos that provide step-by-step guides for accessing the hardware.
  3. An article discussing the precision and versatility of slide rules, and how they can still be useful today despite the prevalence of digital calculators.
    2024-05-30 Tags: , , by klotz
  4. In this guide, you'll learn how to use the LVGL (Light and Versatile Graphics Library) with the ESP32 Cheap Yellow Display board (ESP32-2432S028R). This development board features a 2.8-inch TFT touchscreen LCD, microSD card interface, RGB LED, and more.
  5. Rundeck is an open source automation service that allows users to easily run automation tasks across a set of nodes. This repository contains the source code for Rundeck, with features such as a web console, command line tools, and a WebAPI. It is built with Gradle and requires Java 1.8 and NodeJs 16. Documentation, development guides, and issue tracker are available.
  6. OliveTin is a web-based interface that provides safe and simple access to predefined shell commands. It offers a responsive, touch-friendly UI, dark mode, accessibility, container integration, and more. It allows you to run complex commands, give access to commands to less technical people, and simplify command execution on various devices.
  7. Learn how to create a low-cost, AI-powered personal assistant using Raspberry Pi and open-source software. The assistant can answer questions, play music, and control smart home devices.
  8. The Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6 is a cost-effective MCU based on Espressif’s ESP32-C6. This compact MCU excels in Matter-compliant smart home applications with its support for various wireless connectivity (2.4GHz Wi-Fi 6, BLE 5.0, Zigbee, and Thread).
  9. The user is annoyed with the speed of Neofetch and finds an alternative called Fastfetch written in C.
    • Fastfetch has similar features to Neofetch and is maintained.
    • The user prefers Fastfetch due to its speed and user-friendly interface.
  10. Neofetch, a popular command-line tool for displaying Linux system information, has been officially discontinued.
    The source code has been archived on GitHub by programmer Dylan Araps.
    There are several alternatives available, including Fastfetch and HyFetch, which are actively being developed.

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