klotz: linux*

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  1. The article discusses the upcoming end of support for Spotify's Car Thing, a device that has been the subject of various hacks and research. The article highlights some of these hacks, such as gaining U-Boot and UART access to the device's Linux system. It also mentions YouTube videos that provide step-by-step guides for accessing the hardware.
  2. picoLLM is a cross-platform, on-device inference engine optimized for running compressed large language models (LLMs) on various devices. It is compatible with Linux, macOS, Windows, Raspberry Pi OS, Android, iOS, and web browsers.
  3. Rundeck is an open source automation service that allows users to easily run automation tasks across a set of nodes. This repository contains the source code for Rundeck, with features such as a web console, command line tools, and a WebAPI. It is built with Gradle and requires Java 1.8 and NodeJs 16. Documentation, development guides, and issue tracker are available.
  4. OliveTin is a web-based interface that provides safe and simple access to predefined shell commands. It offers a responsive, touch-friendly UI, dark mode, accessibility, container integration, and more. It allows you to run complex commands, give access to commands to less technical people, and simplify command execution on various devices.
  5. This article discusses the author's experience using ChatGPT to improve their understanding and proficiency in using Linux. Topics covered include navigating complex Linux concepts, understanding Linux commands, troubleshooting errors, automating tasks, and more.
  6. The article argues that instead of developing numerous tools for LLM, giving it direct access to a terminal is more efficient and future-proof. It references Rich Sutton's "The Bitter Lesson" and discusses how the terminal's existing command-line tools can be utilized by LLM for various tasks, highlighting the importance of general methods over specialized tools.
  7. Rescuezilla 2.5 is a handy tool to have around, even if you are lucky and you never need it. The new version is based on the latest Ubuntu 24.04, updates several of its components, and also includes a new and experimental command-line interface.
    2024-05-16 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  8. An anonymous open letter led to a fork of the Nix project, but it failed to address the technical issues with Nix packaging. The community remains fragmented.
  9. A malware botnet called Ebury is estimated to have compromised 400,000 Linux servers since 2009, with over 100,000 still compromised as of late 2023. The findings come from cybersecurity firm ESET, which characterized it as one of the most advanced server-side malware campaigns for financial gain.
    2024-05-15 Tags: , , , by klotz
  10. The user is annoyed with the speed of Neofetch and finds an alternative called Fastfetch written in C.
    • Fastfetch has similar features to Neofetch and is maintained.
    • The user prefers Fastfetch due to its speed and user-friendly interface.

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