klotz: hardware*

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  1. Radxa Fogwise Airbox, also known as Fogwise BM168M, is an edge AI box powered by a SOPHON BM1684X Arm SoC with a built-in 32 TOPS TPU and a VPU capable of handling the decoding of up to 32 HD video streams. The device is equipped with 16GB LPDDR4x RAM and a 64GB eMMC flash and features two gigabit Ethernet RJ45 jacks, a few USB ports, a speaker, and more.
    2024-06-01 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  2. The article discusses the upcoming end of support for Spotify's Car Thing, a device that has been the subject of various hacks and research. The article highlights some of these hacks, such as gaining U-Boot and UART access to the device's Linux system. It also mentions YouTube videos that provide step-by-step guides for accessing the hardware.
  3. Spotify's Car Thing device owners are asking for refunds and open-sourcing as the company plans to brick the devices in December 2024 without offering refunds or trade-in options.
  4. The Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6 is a cost-effective MCU based on Espressif’s ESP32-C6. This compact MCU excels in Matter-compliant smart home applications with its support for various wireless connectivity (2.4GHz Wi-Fi 6, BLE 5.0, Zigbee, and Thread).
  5. This project guides you through building a real working Star Trek Communicator using FONA Feather and 3D printing.

    • The prop can make real cell phone calls using the FONA Feather!

    • The device features a vibration motor, speaker, and microphone mounted inside the case.

    • You can customize the buttons to call any number you want.

    • The 2500mAh battery is rechargeable over USB and will provide several hours of energy.
  6. Learn how to get started with Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6 development board. This page covers hardware and software preparation, running the first Blink program, battery usage, and deep sleep mode.
  7. A USB key with a Trinket M0 heart and four RGB NeoPixels for customizable glow.
  8. In the development of artificial intelligence, the application of Large Language Model (LLM) Single Board Computers (SBC) and AI sensors is becoming increasingly widespread. This article will detail the performance tests and tutorials of high-performance SBCs such as the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin 64GB Developer Kit, Raspberry Pi, LattePanda Alpha / Delta / Sigma Single Board Computers and explore how to deploy and run various LLMs on these platforms. In addition, we will introduce some easy-to-use AI cameras and voice recognition sensors, as well as their applications in innovative projects.
    2024-03-07 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz

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