klotz: raspberry pi*

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  1. A collection of Raspberry Pi-sourced system configuration files and associated scripts.
  2. picoLLM is a cross-platform, on-device inference engine optimized for running compressed large language models (LLMs) on various devices. It is compatible with Linux, macOS, Windows, Raspberry Pi OS, Android, iOS, and web browsers.
  3. This project implements a real-time face recognition system using OpenCV and the face_recognition library. The system detects faces from a video stream, recognizes previously seen faces, and displays metadata about each recognized face. It supports both Raspberry Pi cameras and USB webcams.
  4. Learn how to create a low-cost, AI-powered personal assistant using Raspberry Pi and open-source software. The assistant can answer questions, play music, and control smart home devices.
  5. This article discusses how to test small language models using 3.8B Phi-3 and 8B Llama-3 models on a PC and Raspberry Pi with LlamaCpp and ONNX. Written by Dmitrii Eliuseev.
    2024-05-24 Tags: , , , , , , , by klotz
  6. GPU-accelerated LLMs on Odrange Pi 5, which features a Mali-G610 GPU. The authors used Machine Learning Compilation (MLC) techniques to achieve speeds of 2.3 tok/sec for Llama3-8b, 2.5 tok/sec for Llama2-7b, and 5 tok/sec for RedPajama-3b. They also managed to run a Llama-2 13b model at 1.5 tok/sec on a 16GB version of the Orange Pi 5+.
  7. Breadboard OS is a command-line operating system for the Raspberry Pi Pico, built on top of FreeRTOS. It aims to enable quick prototyping and supports querying, starting, or killing services, checking flash usage and memory usage, and controlling GPIO pins and other peripherals.
  8. • This is an MCU-based vision AI module powered by Arm Cortex-M55 and Ethos-U55, supporting TensorFlow and PyTorch frameworks.
    • It has a standard CSI interface, onboard digital microphone, and SD card slot.
    • Compatible with XIAO series, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ESP dev board.
    • Supports off-the-shelf and custom AI models from SenseCraft AI, including Mobilenet V1, V2, Efficientnet-lite, Yolo v5 & v8.
    • Can be used for industrial automation, smart cities, transportation, smart agriculture, and mobile IoT devices.
  9. Open-source multi-room music system for Pi and other SBCs
    Supports various audio formats and streaming services
    User-friendly web interface for configuration and control
    Customizable with various themes and plugins
    Can be controlled via voice commands using Amazon Alexa or Google Home
    2024-04-04 Tags: , , by klotz

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