I'm looking for a way to disable the lock screen hotkey Command-⌘-Q in High Sierra. I've tried changing the keyboard settings in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts but it's not available. Is there a way to disable this hotkey?
LXDE edits are » not going to work, the desktop is now wayland/wayfire not lxde, that guides to old.
edit .config/wayfire you'll see the keyboard shortcuts on the top
Just go to the iTerms2 preferences -> Profiles -> Keys -> set the Left/Right Option key to Esc+.
(define-key global-map ?s-p » 'ns-print-buffer)
$ sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool
then use it to map caps lock to ctrl, and swap left-ctrl and right ctrl to hyper
would rather have meta in center left and 2nd from right
would rather super and hyper work
keysym BackSpace = Delete
keysym Delete = BackSpace
remove Lock = Caps_Lock
keycode 0x42 = Control_L
add Control = Control_L
"xkb configuration is black magic in general and sheer luck in Ubuntu."