klotz: llm* + llama2*

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  1. The article discusses the use of large language models (LLMs) as reasoning engines for powering agent workflows, focusing specifically on ReAct agents. It explains how these agents combine reasoning and action capabilities and provides examples of how they function. Challenges faced while implementing such agents are also mentioned, along with ways to overcome them. Additionally, the integration of open-source models within LangChain is highlighted.
  2. This article announces a comprehensive course on fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) offered on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel. The course, developed by Krish Naik, covers topics such as QLORA, LORA, quantization with LLama2, gradient, and Google Gemma Model, among others. The course aims to help learners deepen their understanding of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

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