"network manager can be configured using nmtui in cli."
GUI doesn't have the "ignore automatically obtained DNS parameters", only 'Ignore automatically obtained routes", so you have to use nmtui
Wayland is a lose.
sudo raspi-config
Advanced Options menu, select the Wayland option – disable it, and reboot.
Must not be using wayland. Can't find any way to do half this stuff on wayland anyway. Switched back to X11.
LXDE edits are » not going to work, the desktop is now wayland/wayfire not lxde, that guides to old.
edit .config/wayfire you'll see the keyboard shortcuts on the top
The people who run the RPi manufacturing operation decided to replace dhcpcd with nmcli as the default DHCP client program for the bookworm release.
The first Raspberry Pi OS that supports Raspberry Pi 5 manages the network settings by default with NetworkManager,