Tags: cli* + foss* + markdown*

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  1. A minimalist bash program that prints markdown files in a terminal.

    MarCLIdown is a minimalist bash program that prints a markdown file in a formatted text output in a Linux terminal. It can handle various elements, such as headers, emphasis and strong emphasis, strikethrough, linebreaks, unordered lists, ordered lists, hyperlinks, images, urls/mails, checkboxes, checkboxes as items on a list, tables, horizontal lines, blockquotes, nested blockquotes, formatted elements inside Blockquotes/Notes, notes, footnotes, footnote with multiple paragraphs, inline code, code blocks, formatting escape, collapsible section, subscript/superscript, other HTML tags, and HTML collapsible sections. The project is unlicensed and can be installed using the provided install script.

    2024-06-17 Tags: , , , by klotz

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