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*Sailor 1911L M-F nib. Mine has a bit of tooth, is as fine as I want to go. With a light touch/ Rhodia paper, it glides well with a bit of feedback. Great for detail.
*Pilot E95s F nib. Butter smooth
*Sailor 1911L M nib. Very smooth, minimal feedback. My work pen, I can grab it and "just write".
*Pelikan M800 F nib. Also smooth.
*Pilot Custom 823 Waverly. Also a fairly wet writer, and so is more of a Sailor Broad.
*Sailor 1911L B. Very, very smooth. For me, a Western Medium, wet line in mine.
I also have two 1911Ls with B nibs stubbed, one to more of a M stub and one to a B stub. They are "go to" pens as daily writers when I am paying more attention to my writing or want more flair. Or when I just want to carry the White or the Stormy Sea blue bodies!
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