Tags: production engineering*

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  1. This is a hands-on guide with Python example code that walks through the deployment of an ML-based search API using a simple 3-step approach. The article provides a deployment strategy applicable to most machine learning solutions, and the example code is available on GitHub.
  2. An article discussing the challenges faced with flaky tests in Uber's CI pipelines, and the development and implementation of Testopedia, a scalable and configurable system to manage and categorize tests, reduce test complexity, and improve visibility and accountability.
  3. The author explains their decision to build a home lab using Raspberry Pis, Kubernetes, and 3D printing, providing reasons such as gaining exposure, experimenting with complex architectures, becoming a T-shaped engineer, and the cost-effectiveness of DIY projects.
    2024-06-04 Tags: , , by klotz
  4. With the addition of profiling to OpenTelemetry, we expect continuous production profiling to hit the mainstream.
  5. This article explains the differences between observability, telemetry, and monitoring, and how they work together to help teams understand and improve their software systems. It also discusses the benefits of using OpenTelemetry, a standard for creating and collecting telemetry for software systems, and Honeycomb's observability platform.
  6. The relationship between predictability and reconstructability, and how it can vary in opposite directions in complex systems. The work is based on information theory and was performed on various dynamics on random graphs, including continuous deterministic systems, and provides analytical calculations of the uncertainty coefficients for many different systems.
  7. The article discusses the challenges faced in evaluating anomaly detection in time series data and introduces Proximity-Aware Time series anomaly Evaluation (PATE) as a solution. PATE provides a weighted version of Precision and Recall curve and considers temporal correlations and buffer zones for a more accurate and nuanced evaluation.
  8. This guide provides an introduction to kubectl, the command-line tool used to communicate with the Kubernetes API. It covers command syntax, useful commands, flags, and tips and tricks. It also discusses the ecosystem of plugins and tools built to expand the functionalities of kubectl and Kubernetes.
  9. Eric Larssen discusses the shortcomings of Terraform in infrastructure as code management, such as bespoke patterns, drift management issues, HCL language complexity, and licensing drama, and suggests the Kubernetes operator pattern as an alternative.
  10. Honeycomb introduces a new tool, Honeycomb for Frontend Observability, to enhance web application performance. The tool integrates OpenTelemetry instrumentation as an NPM package to collect and analyze Core Web Vitals data, offering actionable insights to improve SEO and site performance.

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