klotz: backend* + production engineering*

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  1. This article discusses the importance of API scalability for handling traffic spikes, improving user experience, and optimizing resource utilization. It covers key concepts, scaling strategies with code examples, and best practices for scaling the API layer.
  2. Encore is an open-source backend framework and cloud platform for building distributed systems. It automates infrastructure, offers end-to-end type-safety, and provides built-in observability.

    - Automated Infrastructure:
    Local & Cloud (AWS/GCP) provisioning
    Infrastructure semantics within application code
    No separate config tools needed

    - Type-Safe Microservices:
    Define & call APIs like normal functions
    Full type-safety & IDE auto-complete
    Automatic protocol communication boilerplate

    - Faster Development:
    Hot reload & automatic local infrastructure setup
    Simplified, speedier development process

    API explorer, distributed tracing, architecture diagrams
    Service catalog with automatic API documentation

    - Cloud Platform:
    Seamless workflow with CI/CD, testing, & infrastructure provisioning
    Preview environments for every PR

    - Security & Scalability:
    Battle-tested AWS/GCP services
    Best practices for security & scalability
    Metrics & logging for critical aspects

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