klotz: flickr*

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  1. 2021-09-27 Tags: , , by klotz
  2. 2015-11-04 Tags: , , by klotz
  3. ipfs.pics is a open-source and distributed image hosting website. It aims to be an alternative to non-libre image hosting websites such as imgur, flickr and others.

    It is based on IPFS - the InterPlanetary File System. The whole application runs on the concept of peer to peer connections, which means that instead of hosting the information in a single location, our servers, the data is stored by everyone who wants to. When a picture is put on IPFS, it is given a hash, a 46 characters long digital fingerprint. No other file will have it and if the same file is added twice then their hashes will be exactly the same, which means the picture can still be found on the network simply by knowing the hash, even if our website is down. You can find the hash at the end of a picture URL, just like below.

    2015-10-24 Tags: , , by klotz
  4. horses, church, rusty ships

    2014-04-05 Tags: , , by klotz

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