$ growpart /dev/sda 1
CHANGED: partition=1 start=2048 old: size=39999455 end=40001503 new: size=80000991,end=80003039
$ resize2fs /dev/sda1
resize2fs 1.45.4 (23-Sep-2019)
Filesystem at /dev/sda1 is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
old_desc_blocks = 3, new_desc_blocks = 5
The filesystem on /dev/sda1 is now 10000123 (4k) blocks long.
I confirm that when I do window functions on df2 partitioned by userid there is no shuffle! Thanks @user8371915!
LOAD INPATH '/user/chris/data/testdata' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE user PARTITION (date='2012-02-22')