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Application for Flipper Zero device to control radio boards. Supports the TEA5767 board and includes pin configuration instructions. Inspired by Arduino Radio project with acknowledgments to contributors.
Nick Farrow has created MeshBoard, a text-based bulletin board system inspired by the BBSes of the 1970s and 1980s, running on a Raspberry Pi using the Meshtastic mesh network. The project allows for menu navigation and interactive games like Tic Tac Toe and an Escape Room, with no internet required. It leverages Python to create a modular and easily extensible platform, with plans to expand features such as file transfer over the Meshtastic network.
This is a pre-order for the Quansheng UV-K5 radio directly from the factory with modifications for H.F bands and updated firmware. The radio also includes an antenna inductor change and audio quality fix.
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