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A tool to ensure SSHFS mounts are persistent even without user intervention. Written in shell script, making it easy to use across various platforms. Available under the WTFPL license. Contains topics such as "SSHFS", "remote mount", "secure-shell", etc. Currently has no releases or packages published. Languages used include only shell script. Provides a solution for mounting remote directories persistently using SS
sshfs devbox:/ devbox -o cache=no -o nolocalcaches -ovolname=ssh
SSHFS does not come with an uninstaller. To manually remove SSHFS run the following commands in Terminal:
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/sshfs sudo rm /usr/local/share/man/man1/sshfs.1 sudo pkgutil --forget com.github.osxfuse.pkg.SSHFS
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