Tags: email* + llm*

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  1. "...a feature that activates when Claude reads a scam email (this presumably supports the model’s ability to recognize such emails and warn you not to respond to them). Normally, if one asks Claude to generate a scam email, it will refuse to do so. But when we ask the same question with the feature artificially activated sufficiently strongly, this overcomes Claude's harmlessness training and it responds by drafting a scam email."
  2. How to use Burr, an open source framework using simple OpenAI client calls to GPT4, and FastAPI to create a custom email assistant agent. We’ll describe the challenge one faces and then how you can solve for them.
    2024-04-26 Tags: , , , , , by klotz
  3. Credential-stealing emails are getting past artificial intelligence's "known good" email security controls by cloaking malicious payloads within seemingly benign emails. The tactic poses a significant threat to enterprise networks.
    2024-03-19 Tags: , , , by klotz
  4. Ultrainbox is a unified inbox email client (currently for mac) that connects all your email accounts in one inbox and helps automate management of this inbox by delegating organisation, tasks and actions to GPT.
    2024-01-20 Tags: , , , by klotz

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