klotz: ontology*

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  1. Physicists suggest time may not be a fundamental aspect of reality but an emergent property from quantum entanglement. A study published in Physical Review A proposes the Page and Wootters mechanism, where time emerges through the entanglement between a clock and the system it measures, offering a potential resolution to the inconsistency of time in quantum mechanics and general relativity.
  2. A group of scientists has put forth a groundbreaking machine-based theory of life that challenges traditional biological perspectives. This theory suggests that life is not just a product of organic processes but is also heavily influenced by external, non-biological factors such as machines and technology. The proposition puts forward the idea that life is a result of an interplay between biological and
    In a new machine-based theory of life Tsvi Tlusty and Albert Libchaber suggest that life is an intricate cascade of machines, from molecular level to entire biospheres. They have developed a conceptual framework and a simplified language to describe living matter as an almost infinite double cascade. This theory identifies a critical point where self-replicating machines interface with their environment, which is essential for the emergence of life. This critical point is marked by specific temporal and spatial scales of 1,000 seconds and 1 micron, corresponding to microbial life. This theory provides a mathematical foundation for understanding life and its complexity
    2025-02-10 Tags: , , , by klotz
  3. Researchers at the University of Chicago have discovered that the fine control octopuses have over their arms is due to the segmentation of their nervous system circuitry, which is distributed with a significant number of neurons in the arms. This unique system allows for independent decision-making in each arm and precise control, potentially informing future soft robot designs.
  4. - Evolution is seen as a highly path-dependent process due to its historical nature, but outcomes could have varied.
    - Convergence and constraints significantly limit evolutionary designs, suggesting that not all possibilities are realized.
    - Fundamental constraints are inherent in the logic of living matter, influencing evolutionary outcomes.
    - Examples of constraints include thermodynamics in living systems, linear molecular information, cellular composition, multicellularity, cognitive system computations, and ecosystem architecture.
    - The study provides evidence for these constraints and proposes pathways for a defined theoretical framework.
    2025-01-03 Tags: , , , , , by klotz
  5. Researchers from a Spanish laboratory observe, for the first time, the formation of protocells in an experiment simulating the conditions of the early Earth, challenging traditional views on the origin of life.
  6. Often metaphorical and allusive, the philosopher's work will long be remembered for how it grappled with everyday thought.
  7. A Python hands-on guide to understand the principles of generating new knowledge by following logical processes in knowledge graphs. Discusses the limitations of LLMs in structured reasoning compared to the rigorous logical processes needed in certain fields.
    2024-11-23 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  8. Researchers from ISTA and Max Planck Institute have uncovered new details about molecular mechanisms driving memory processing at mossy fiber synapses in the hippocampus, crucial for memory formation.

    The hippocampus is known to convert short-term memory into long-term memory. The study sheds light on how structural and functional changes in mossy fiber synapses may facilitate the encoding and storage of memories in the hippocampus.

    The new research focuses on the mossy fiber synapse, a key connection point between neurons in the hippocampus. The scientists used a novel technique called "Flash and Freeze" combined with freeze fracture labeling to study the dynamic changes in proteins Cav2.1 calcium channels and Munc13 during signal processing. They found that upon stimulation, these proteins rearranged and moved closer together, enhancing neurotransmitter release and potentially contributing to memory formation.
  9. A unique resource for hippocampus researchers and learners, offering tools to build and explore models of the hippocampus and its components using powerful modeling workflows.
  10. The clearest picture yet of LUCA suggests it was a relatively complex organism living 4.2 billion years ago, a time long considered too harsh for life to flourish.
    2024-11-20 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz

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