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Researchers discovered that renewable energy facilities across Central Europe use unencrypted radio signals to control power generation, posing a potential threat to the grid. If intercepted and manipulated, these signals could disrupt grid stability by causing power imbalances, possibly leading to a continent-wide blackout. This raises significant concerns about the security measures currently in place and the need for more secure alternatives like iMSys, which uses encrypted LTE for communication.
Physicists and computer scientists are using stochastic thermodynamics to understand the energy costs of computation, with implications for designing more energy-efficient devices.
Using Digital Twins to optimize data center operations and eliminate wasted IT infrastructure can save significant costs and improve sustainability.
Helion, backed by OpenAI, claims to be on track to build its first fusion plant within the next five years, but experts are skeptical of the timeline.
The company's Polaris reactor design uses an electromagnetic coil system to generate a 50-megawatt electrical output, with a planned location in Washington state, USA.
This article details how to use a software-defined radio (SDR) to read data from utility meters, allowing for a more complete understanding of energy usage in a smart home.
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