Tags: self-hosted* + raspberry pi*

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  1. Resource-efficient LLMs and Multimodal Models

    A useful survey of resource-efficient LLMs and multimodal foundations models.

    Provides a comprehensive analysis and insights into ML efficiency research, including architectures, algorithms, and practical system designs and implementations.
  2. deploy and run LLM (large language models), including LLaMA, LLaMA2, Phi-2, Mixtral-MOE, and mamba-gpt, on the Raspberry Pi 5 8GB.
    2024-01-10 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz
  3. My TL;DR guide for self hosting on a Pi.

    Get Pi
    Install DietPi
    Install Docker, Docker-Compose
    browse the LinuxServer.io fleet
    create docker-compose file with needed 'stuff' (letsencrypt, NextCloud, etc)

    A pi4 4gb should run NextCloud plus other "stuff" without an issue (Mine has a bunch of *arr's). As other's mentioned, storage might be an issue. My Pi's all point back to a NAS for file storage/serving.

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