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  1. This tutorial covers fine-tuning BERT for sentiment analysis using Hugging Face Transformers. Learn to prepare data, set up environment, train and evaluate the model, and make predictions.
  2. Learn how to install the ChatTTS open-source text-to-speech model for conversational scenarios, supporting English and Chinese. The installation process is explained step-by-step, along with information on how to fix the tone and precautions for network requirements.
    2024-06-06 Tags: , , , by klotz
  3. Simon Willison explains an accidental prompt injection attack on RAG applications, caused by concatenating user questions with documentation fragments in a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system.
    2024-06-06 Tags: , , , by klotz
  4. This article provides information about the features and accessories available for the Sub-Zero Classic 36S Side-by-Side refrigerator. It includes details about panel ready options, stainless steel models, and quick reference guides. It also mentions the availability of genuine parts for Sub-Zero appliances and the option to contact customer care for further assistance.
    2024-06-06 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  5. This blog post explains why JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) are not suitable for authorization despite their popularity in authentication scenarios. It discusses the proper use of JWTs for verification, the risks of misusing them for authorization, and alternative solutions.
  6. An article discussing the challenges faced with flaky tests in Uber's CI pipelines, and the development and implementation of Testopedia, a scalable and configurable system to manage and categorize tests, reduce test complexity, and improve visibility and accountability.
  7. Google has updated its note-taking AI, NotebookLM, to include the ability to read information from websites and Google Slides, and users can now ask questions about charts, images, and diagrams. The new Notebook Guide also creates study guides or briefing documents, and inline citations can point to sources. NotebookLM is powered by Gemini 1.5 Pro, the latest large language model that currently powers the paid version of the Gemini chatbot.
  8. An exploration of the benefits of switching from the popular Python library Pandas to the newer Polars for data manipulation tasks, highlighting improvements in performance, concurrency, and ease of use.
  9. A light-weight codebase that enables memory-efficient and performant finetuning of Mistral's models. It is based on LoRA, a training paradigm where most weights are frozen and only 1-2% additional weights in the form of low-rank matrix perturbations are trained.

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