klotz: llm* + ollama*

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  1. This is a GitHub repository for a Discord bot named discord-llm-chatbot. This bot allows you to chat with Large Language Models (LLMs) directly in your Discord server. It supports various LLMs, including those from OpenAI API, Mistral API, Anthropic API, and local models like ollama, oobabooga, Jan, LM Studio, etc. The bot offers a reply-based chat system, customizable system prompt, and seamless threading of conversations. It also supports image and text file attachments, and streamed responses.
  2. It all started as a joke. I was in a group chat with a few of my friends and we were talking about football (soccer for the American readers). I entered the chat during a mildly heated discussion about the manager of a team one of my friends supports. It was going on for a bit while with seemingly no end in sight...
  3. Get models like Phi-2, Mistral, and LLaVA running locally on a Raspberry Pi with Ollama
    2024-01-14 Tags: , , , , , by klotz

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