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  1. This article discusses the latest open LLM (large language model) releases, including Mixtral 8x22B, Meta AI's Llama 3, and Microsoft's Phi-3, and compares their performance on the MMLU benchmark. It also talks about Apple's OpenELM and its efficient language model family with an open-source training and inference framework. The article also explores the use of PPO and DPO algorithms for instruction finetuning and alignment in LLMs.
  2. Not Mixtral MoE but Merge-kit MoE

    EveryoneLLM series of models are a new Mixtral type model created using experts that were finetuned by the community, for the community. This is the first model to release in the series and it is a coding specific model. EveryoneLLM, which will be a more generalized model, will be released in the near future after more work is done to fine tune the process of merging Mistral models into a larger Mixtral models with greater success.

    The goal of the EveryoneLLM series of models is to be a replacement or an alternative to Mixtral-8x7b that is more suitable for general and specific use, as well as easier to fine tune. Since Mistralai is being secretive about the "secret sause" that makes Mixtral-Instruct such an effective fine tune of the Mixtral-base model, I've decided its time for the community to directly compete with Mistralai on our own.
  3. Not Mixtral MoE but Merge-kit MoE

    - What makes a perfect MoE: The secret formula
    - Why is a proper merge considered a base model, and how do we distinguish them from a FrankenMoE?
    - Why the community working together to improve as a whole is the only way we will get Mixtral right
  4. novel concepts that Mistral AI added to traditional Transformer architectures and we perform a comparison of inference time between Mistral 7B and Llama 2 7B and a comparison of memory, inference time and response quality between Mixtral 8x7B and LLama 2 70B. RAG systems and a public Amazon dataset with customer reviews.
    2024-01-23 Tags: , , , , , by klotz
  5. 2023-12-16 Tags: , by klotz

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