klotz: observability* + kubernetes*

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  1. OpenTelemetry, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation incubating project, helps software engineers collect and analyze data about system and application performance. Created from the merger of OpenTracing and OpenCensus in 2019, it addresses the challenges of observability in large-scale systems, especially with the rise of Kubernetes. The article discusses its rapid adoption, current challenges, and future innovations like profiling signals.

  2. Observe, Inc. launched Kubernetes Explorer, a new observability experience designed to simplify visualizing and troubleshooting in Kubernetes environments, providing DevOps teams and engineers with a comprehensive view of K8s health and performance.

  3. This Splunk Lantern blog post highlights new articles on instrumenting LLMs with Splunk, leveraging Kubernetes for Splunk, and using Splunk Asset and Risk Intelligence.

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