klotz: rp2040* + python*

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  1. Pete Warden shares his experience and knowledge about the memory layout of the Raspberry Pi Pico board, specifically the RP2040 microcontroller. He encountered baffling bugs while updating TensorFlow Lite Micro and traced them to poor understanding of the memory layout. The article provides detailed insights into the physical and RAM layouts, stack behavior, and potential pitfalls.
  2. import EasyCrypt
    keystring = "SixteenByteKey!!"
    inpstring = "Some super secret string, that I don't want you to see."
    # This is the initialisation vector/nonce. I generated it with the below code. As you
    # will need it to decrypt later on, you might want to store it and not just generate it each time
    # I just generated it like this and printed this one out to store it.
    # import os
    # from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
    # ivstring = hexlify(os.urandom(16)).decode()

    ivstring = "aba0a3bde34a03487eda3ec96d5736a8"

    crypted = EasyCrypt.encrypt_string(keystring, inpstring, ivstring)

    decrypted = EasyCrypt.decrypt_string(keystring, crypted, ivstring)

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