New: Relaunch
We do not use a triple store any more - all important data is kept in a RDB. Documents related to a person are crawled on demand and cached up to 24h. The system can now display data on any dereferenceable URI.
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Friend of a friend (FOAF) is a decentralized social network using semantic web technology to describe persons and their relations in a machine readable way. The Friend of a friend vocabulary can also be used to describe groups, organisations and other things.
?URI a ex:Organization;
ex:name ?NameWithLang;
ex:CIK ?CIK;
ex:LEI ?LEI;
ex:ticker ?Stock_ticker;
FROM <file:companies.csv>
BIND (URI(CONCAT('companies/', ?Stock_ticker)) AS ?URI)
BIND (STRLANG(?Name, "en") AS ?NameWithLang)