klotz: visualization* + cli*

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  1. Visualize your git commits with a heat map in the terminal.

    2025-01-28 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz
  2. A minimalist bash program that prints markdown files in a terminal.

    MarCLIdown is a minimalist bash program that prints a markdown file in a formatted text output in a Linux terminal. It can handle various elements, such as headers, emphasis and strong emphasis, strikethrough, linebreaks, unordered lists, ordered lists, hyperlinks, images, urls/mails, checkboxes, checkboxes as items on a list, tables, horizontal lines, blockquotes, nested blockquotes, formatted elements inside Blockquotes/Notes, notes, footnotes, footnote with multiple paragraphs, inline code, code blocks, formatting escape, collapsible section, subscript/superscript, other HTML tags, and HTML collapsible sections. The project is unlicensed and can be installed using the provided install script.

    2025-03-13 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  3. Neofetch, a popular command-line tool for displaying Linux system information, has been officially discontinued. The source code has been archived on GitHub by programmer Dylan Araps. There are several alternatives available, including Fastfetch and HyFetch, which are actively being developed.

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