klotz: git*

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  1. Linux tab completion is a powerful feature that saves time and prevents errors by auto-completing commands and filenames. This article explores how to use tab completion in bash and zsh shells, highlighting its advanced capabilities with commands like git.

  2. Visualize your git commits with a heat map in the terminal.

    2025-01-28 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz
  3. A discussion on how to commit partial changes in Emacs, likely focusing on techniques and tools for version control integration within the Emacs environment.

  4. A tutorial on using Emacs' vc-mode for version control basics like clone, commit, pull, and push, focusing on simplicity and speed.

    2024-08-29 Tags: , , , by klotz
  5. A user is seeking a way to commit only one hunk from a file using vc in Emacs, stating that they currently use a stash, diff, apply diff, commit, and then apply stash method. They are using the subreddit r/emacs for advice.

    2024-08-27 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  6. Walk through git revisions of a file

    2024-08-22 Tags: , , by klotz
  7. This article provides guidelines for writing effective Git commit messages to ensure clarity and collaboration within development teams.

    2024-06-29 Tags: by klotz
  8. Simon Willison shares a scraping technique called Git scraping, where data is scraped and tracked over time by committing the changes to a Git repository. He demonstrates the technique using an example of California fires data from CAL FIRE website.

    2024-06-14 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  9. gitsum is a Git interface for Emacs that allows for interactive partial commits. Users can kill unused hunks or files, navigate between hunks and files, and split patches. Once ready, users can commit the patch with a message. Users must have git.el from the git repository for adding files in the commit.

    2024-04-04 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  10. 2024-01-29 Tags: , , , , by klotz

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