Tags: actions* + github*

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  1. The article presents ten lesser-known but highly useful GitHub Actions that can enhance workflow automation, focusing on tasks like YAML validation, markdown link checking, auto-assignment of PRs, commit message linting, dependency caching, Slack notifications, license compliance checking, PR size labeling, security scanning, and Jira integration.
  2. We show you how to write a GitHub Action that queries a data-centric software system to generate an automated Slack notification and message.
    2024-06-21 Tags: , , by klotz
  3. Simon Willison shares a scraping technique called Git scraping, where data is scraped and tracked over time by committing the changes to a Git repository. He demonstrates the technique using an example of California fires data from CAL FIRE website.
    2024-06-14 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  4. This Github Action allows you to easily integrate OpenAI API into your workflow. With just a few steps, you can use OpenAI's language model to generate responses for your project.
    2023-10-31 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz

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