Tags: conversion* + document*

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  1. Send once, read anywhere. Convert and send documents to your Kindle library or specific devices. Supported file types include PDF, DOCX, TXT, etc., with a max file size of 200 MB.

    2024-12-27 Tags: , , by klotz
  2. MarkItDown is a utility for converting various files to Markdown, including PDF, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Images, Audio, HTML, text-based formats, and ZIP files.

  3. MegaParse is an open-source tool designed for parsing and converting various types of documents for ingestion into LLM. It supports multiple document formats, including text, PDF, PowerPoint, Excel, CSV, and Word documents, and offers customizable output formats to meet different LLM requirements, making it a versatile and efficient solution for data preparation in LLM applications.

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