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MarkItDown is a utility for converting various files to Markdown, including PDF, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Images, Audio, HTML, text-based formats, and ZIP files.
Tables once ruled web design, with nested tables causing both creativity and chaos. Replaced by CSS for layouts, they’re now a nostalgic tool still essential for data.
An article highlighting scenarios where Web Components are a good choice, including building design systems, progressive enhancement, and more, while also discussing some of the not-so-great parts of Web Components.
Htmx 2.0 released, the first major version since 2020. It removes support for IE, moves extensions out of the core repo, introduces new features, and improves integration with web components. Aims to replace complex JavaScript frameworks with easily understood HTML attributes.
The article discusses the importance of cheat sheets for frontend developers and provides a list of the seven best cheat sheets to help with various frontend development tasks.
Modern forms of coding make most websites feel like commercial transactions. The HTML Energy movement aims to bring back the joys of the early days.
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