A Trinket for The Pawn Shop, interacting with an OLED screen and an LED strip, displaying messages and scanning for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices.
A Flasher utility for DIY miners to flash NerdMiner firmware onto various boards, such as LILYGO S3 Dongle, LILYGO T-Display-AMOLED, ESP32-WROOM, LILYGO T-QT, TDisplay v1.14, ESP32-2432S028R, and M5-StampS3. The flashing process should take less than one minute.
CodeCell is a tiny, Arduino-compatible module with an ESP32-C3, sensors (light, proximity, optional motion), and USB-C charging. Perfect for robotics, wearables, and IoT projects.
The SQFMI Watchy is a fully open-source, hackable ePaper watch based on the ESP32 with a crisp, glare-free 1.54" 200x200 ePaper display which can be programmed using the Arduino IDE and lots of your favourite Arduino/ESP libraries!
Watchy is an open source E-Ink Smartwatch with an MIT license. Development resources and documentation can be found on the official website watchy.sqfmi.com. There are also several retailers selling the watch hardware. See the documentation for instructions on how to get started with developing for Watchy.
In this guide, you'll learn how to use the LVGL (Light and Versatile Graphics Library) with the ESP32 Cheap Yellow Display board (ESP32-2432S028R). This development board features a 2.8-inch TFT touchscreen LCD, microSD card interface, RGB LED, and more.
Kresmo is an Arduino sketch that uses an OpenAI-compatible API to generate a random and brief pithy saying. The sketch uses the U8g2 library for displaying text on an OLED screen, and the WiFi library for connecting to the internet. The ESP32-C3-0.42 module combines all this hardware into one tiny board.