Tags: arxiv*

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  1. AutoCrawler is a two-stage framework that leverages the hierarchical structure of HTML for progressive understanding and aims to assist crawlers in handling diverse and changing web environments more efficiently. This work introduces a crawler generation task for vertical information web pages and proposes the paradigm of combining LLMs with crawlers, which supports the adaptability of traditional methods and enhances the performance of generative agents in open-world scenarios. Generative agents, empowered by large language models, suffer from poor performance and reusability in open-world scenarios.
    2024-04-28 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  2. In this paper, the authors propose a new position encoding method, Contextual Position Encoding (CoPE), that allows positions to be conditioned on context by incrementing position only on certain tokens determined by the model. This allows more general position addressing such as attending to the $i$-th particular word, noun, or sentence. The paper demonstrates that CoPE can solve selective copy, counting, and Flip-Flop tasks where popular position embeddings fail, and improves perplexity on language modeling and coding tasks.
    2024-06-02 Tags: , , , by klotz
  3. The Darwinian nature of Wojciech Zurek’s theory of Quantum Darwinism is evaluated
    against the criteria of a Darwinian process as understood within Universal Darwinism.
    The characteristics of a Darwinian process are developed including the consequences of
    accumulated adaptations resulting in adaptive systems operating in accordance with
    Friston’s free energy principle and employing environmental simulations. Quantum
    theory, as developed in Zurek’s research program and encapsulated by his theory of
    Quantum Darwinism is discussed from the view that Zurek’s derivation of the
    measurement axioms implies that the evolution of a quantum system entangled with
    environmental entities is determined solely by the nature of the entangled system. There
    need be no further logical foundation. Quantum Darwinism is found to conform to the
    Darwinian paradigm in unexpected detail and is thus may be considered a theory within
    the framework of Universal Darwinism. With the inclusion of Quantum Darwinism
    within Universal Darwinism and the explanatory power of Darwinian processes
    extended beyond biology and the social sciences to include the creation and evolution of
    scientific subject matter within particle physics, atomic physics and chemistry, it is
    suggested that Universal Darwinism may be considered a candidate ‘Theory of
    Everything’ as anticipated by David Deutsch.

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