Tags: indo-european*

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  1. A pair of landmark studies published in Nature have identified the origin of the Indo-European family of over 400 languages, spoken by more than 40% of the world's population, to the Caucasus Lower Volga people in present-day Russia around 6,500 years ago.

    2025-02-13 Tags: , , , by klotz
  2. Harvard researchers traced the origins of the vast Indo-European language family to the Caucasus-Lower Volga region, identifying the ancestral population known as the Yamnaya, who appeared around 3300 BCE and spread from Hungary to western China.

  3. Excavations in Turkey have revealed a previously unknown Anatolian-Indo-European language, Kalašma, dating back around 3,000 years. The language is similar to Luwian and has been deciphered by researchers from the University of Worzburg and Istanbul University.

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