Tags: nlp* + papers*

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  1. 2019-05-31 Tags: , , by klotz
  2. Isabel Segura-Bedmar, V´ıctor Suarez-Paniagua, Paloma Mart ´ ´ınez
    Computer Science Department
    University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain

    This paper describes a machine learningbased
    approach that uses word embedding
    features to recognize drug names from
    biomedical texts. As a starting point,
    we developed a baseline system based on
    Conditional Random Field (CRF) trained
    with standard features used in current
    Named Entity Recognition (NER) systems.
    Then, the system was extended to
    incorporate new features, such as word
    vectors and word clusters generated by
    the Word2Vec tool and a lexicon feature
    from the DINTO ontology. We trained the
    Word2vec tool over two different corpus:
    Wikipedia and MedLine. Our main goal
    is to study the effectiveness of using word
    embeddings as features to improve performance
    on our baseline system, as well as
    to analyze whether the DINTO ontology
    could be a valuable complementary data
    source integrated in a machine learning
    NER system. To evaluate our approach
    and compare it with previous work, we
    conducted a series of experiments on the
    dataset of SemEval-2013 Task 9.1 Drug
    Name Recognition.
    2016-05-18 Tags: , , by klotz

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