Sakana AI introduces The AI Scientist, a system enabling foundation models like LLMs to perform scientific research independently, automating the entire research lifecycle.
The highlighted articles cover a variety of topics, including algorithmic thinking for data scientists, outlier detection in time-series data, route optimization for visiting NFL teams, minimum vertex coloring problem solution, high-cardinality features, multilingual RAG (Rapidly-explainable AI) system development, fine-tuning smaller transformer models, long-form visual understanding, multimodal image-text models, the theoretical underpinnings of learning, data science stress management, and reinforcement learning.
First, using the demonstrations significantly outperforms the no demonstrations method
even with small k (k = 4), and performance drop
from using gold labels to using random labels is
consistently small across varying k, in the range of
Interestingly, model performance does
not increase much as k increases when k ≥ 8, both
with gold labels and with random labels.