Tags: usb*

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  1. # UDEV Rules for Micronucleus boards including the Digispark.
    # This file must be placed at:
    # /etc/udev/rules.d/49-micronucleus.rules (preferred location)
    # or
    # /lib/udev/rules.d/49-micronucleus.rules (req'd on some broken systems)
    # After this file is copied, physically unplug and reconnect the board.
    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16d0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0753", MODE:="0666"
    KERNEL=="ttyACM*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16d0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0753", MODE:="0666", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"
    # If you share your linux system with other users, or just don't like the
    # idea of write permission for everybody, you can replace MODE:="0666" with
    # OWNER:="yourusername" to create the device owned by you, or with
    # GROUP:="somegroupname" and mange access using standard unix groups.
    2020-12-01 Tags: , , , , , by klotz
  2. do not use hub but do reboot between two successive installs
    hub will provide power (even unpowered hub) for testing but not enough for stable operation, which must be negotiated.
    eventually i stopped getting errors about pre-load etc from
    sudo kextutil -tn /Library/Extensions/SiLabsUSBDriver.kext

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