The December 2024 newsletter from Obsolescence Guaranteed covers updates on new projects such as PiDP-10 and PiDP-1, news about existing projects like PiDP-8 and PiDP-11, and upcoming plans for 2025 including a PiDP-1 replica and an annual programming competition.
An email machine, the Cidco MailStation, is repurposed as a terminal using the Z80 processor and msTERM application. The WiFiStation dongle enables network communication.
- Hardware: Z80 processor, 128KB RAM, 0.5MB flash, modem, parallel port, RTC, QWERTY keyboard.
- Code Loading: Built-in hex editor or loader program via parallel port.
- Dev Env: OpenBSD laptop, C/Z80 assembly, SDCC compiler, upload via parallel port.
- msTERM: Stein's terminal program for BBS communication, custom ISR, modified font.
- Get Started: Stein's released msTERM code, example project, WiFi adapter option."
The PiDP-10 is a modern reproduction of the PDP-10, powered by a Raspberry Pi and featuring a front panel with tons of LEDs and switches. It's designed for those who want to experience the computing power of the 1960s, but with a modern twist.