klotz: github* + llm*

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  1. Chatbot that utilizes Wikipedia data to enhance its factual precision. Key aspects include the use of large language models, retrieval of accurate information from a reliable source, and addressing the challenge of maintaining factual consistency within conversational AI systems.
  2. Chip Huyen analyzed 845 open source AI tool repositories on GitHub using keywords like gpt, llm, and generative ai. He categorized these into infrastructure, model development, application development, and applications layers. There was significant growth in application development and model development layers in 2023, with popular applications being coding, bots, and info aggregation. Tools like Qdrant, Pinecone, and LanceDB emerged in infrastructure layer. Notable contributors include lucidrains, ggerganov, Illyasviel, xtekky, and RNN-based models like RWKV.
    2024-04-04 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  3. Verba is an open-source application designed to offer an end-to-end, streamlined, and user-friendly interface for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) out of the box. It supports various RAG techniques, data types, LLM providers, and offers Docker support and a fully-customizable frontend.
  4. Swirl is open-source software that uses AI to simultaneously search multiple content and data sources, finds the best results using a reader LLM, then prompts Generative AI, enabling you to get answers from your own data.

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