klotz: honeycomb* + observability*

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  1. OpenTelemetry offers a standardized process for observability, but its functionality is a work in progress. Its usefulness depends on the observability tools and platforms used in conjunction with OpenTelemetry.
  2. Honeycomb introduces a new tool, Honeycomb for Frontend Observability, to enhance web application performance. The tool integrates OpenTelemetry instrumentation as an NPM package to collect and analyze Core Web Vitals data, offering actionable insights to improve SEO and site performance.
  3. This article explains the differences between observability, telemetry, and monitoring, and how they work together to help teams understand and improve their software systems. It also discusses the benefits of using OpenTelemetry, a standard for creating and collecting telemetry for software systems, and Honeycomb's observability platform.

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