klotz: javascript*

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  1. This article shares 6 lesser-known browser developer tools that can help developers debug their code effectively. These tools include breakpoints, performance profiling, responsive mode, Lighthouse, layers inspector, and console.notJustLog. The article also includes bonus tips on Node.js debugging and Next.js server-side debugging.
  2. With such a wide variety of JavaScript libraries available, selecting the right one can be daunting. This article highlights the top 10 JavaScript libraries to use in 2024, examining their key features, performance, and specific use cases.
  3. Htmx 2.0 released, the first major version since 2020. It removes support for IE, moves extensions out of the core repo, introduces new features, and improves integration with web components. Aims to replace complex JavaScript frameworks with easily understood HTML attributes.
  4. The article discusses the importance of cheat sheets for frontend developers and provides a list of the seven best cheat sheets to help with various frontend development tasks.

    1. Codecademy FrontEnd Cheat Sheets
    2. The Frameworks Cheatsheet
    3. SheCodes CSS Cheat Sheet
    4. Responsive Web Design Cheat Sheet
    5. Flexbox Cheatsheet Cheatsheet
    6. HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet
    7. Sass Cheat Sheet
  5. VanJS offers a new option for those who want to take a simpler approach to development with some reactivity, but no React. Use cases for VanJS include creating a Chrome extension or building a personal website. There’s a VanJS App Builder, which is an AI-powered chatbot that can create pages with VanJS developers can explore.
    2023-12-20 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  6. 2022-09-25 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  7. 2022-08-11 Tags: , by klotz

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