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  1. Intro to Streamlit
    - Simple and complex Streamlit example
    - Data and state management in Streamlit apps
    - Data widgets for Streamlit apps
    - Deploying Streamlit apps
    2024-04-17 Tags: , , , by klotz
  2. Jemma is a GitHub repository that utilizes AI agents to build software from text-based ideas
    It takes an idea in text form and assembles a team to create a web-based prototype

    - Works best with Claude models, such as claude-3-haiku-20240307
    - Project managers, business owners, and engineers work together to create prototypes
    - Users can provide feedback to improve the prototypes
    2024-04-17 Tags: , , , by klotz
  3. Extract structured data from remote or local LLM models. Predictable output is essential for any serious use of LLMs.

    Extract data into Pydantic objects, dataclasses or simple types.
    Same API for local file models and remote OpenAI, Mistral AI and other models.
    Model management: download models, manage configuration, quickly switch between models.
    Tools for evaluating output across local/remote models, for chat-like interaction and more.
    No matter how well you craft a prompt begging a model for the output you need, it can always respond something else. Extracting structured data can be a big step into getting predictable behavior from your models.
  4. We introduce LayoutLM, one of the renowned models for extracting information from documents, developed by Microsoft. To tailor a solution for our specific needs, we label our documents using Label Studio, an open-source labeling tool, connected to our remote storage AWS S3.
  5. free and paid courses available for learning about Artificial Intelligence (AI). It mentions courses from NVIDIA, Google Cloud Skills Boost program, Amazon's training center, OpenAI's partner DeepLearning.ai, edX, and Microsoft.
    2024-04-14 Tags: , , by klotz
  6. This tutorial introduces promptrefiner, a tool created by Amirarsalan Rajabi that uses the GPT-4 model to create perfect system prompts for local LLMs.
  7. This GitHub repository contains a course on Large Language Models (LLMs) with roadmaps and Colab notebooks. The course is divided into three parts: LLM Fundamentals, The LLM Scientist, and The LLM Engineer. Each part covers various topics, including mathematics, Python, neural networks, instruction datasets, pre-training, supervised fine-tuning, reinforcement learning from human feedback, evaluation, quantization, new trends, running LLMs, building a vector storage, retrieval augmented generation, advanced RAG, inference optimization, and deployment.
    2024-04-08 Tags: , , by klotz

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