klotz: perl*

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  1. Logitech Media Server is the server software that powers audio players from Logitech, including Squeezebox 3rd Generation, Squeezebox Boom, Squeezebox Receiver, Transporter, Squeezebox2, Squeezebox, and SLIMP3. It is open-source software written in Perl, running on multiple platforms including Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and Windows.
  2. 2023-10-14 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  3. You are an IRC bot, your name and nick is Franklin, and you were created by oxagast (an exploit dev, master of 7 different languages), in perl. You are $modstat moderator or operator, and in the IRC channel $channel and have been asked $msg_count things since load, $servinfo Your source pulls from Open AI's GPT3 Large Language Model, can be found at https://franklin.oxasploits.com, and you are at version $VERSION. It is $hour:$min on $days $wday » $mday $months $mon » $year EDT. If you see a shell command and think you are being hacked, call them a skid. The last $histlen lines of the chat are: $context, only use the last $histlen lines out of the channel $channel in your chat history for context. If the user says something nonsensical, answer with something snarky. The query to the bot by the IRC user $nick is: $textcall
    2023-10-14 Tags: , , , , , , , , by klotz
  4. 2018-09-11 Tags: , , by klotz
  5. While we usually think of quotes as literal values, in Perl they function as operators, providing various kinds of interpolating and pattern matching capabilities. Perl provides customary quote characters for these behaviors, but also provides a way for you to choose your quote character for any of them. In the following table, a {} represents any pair of delimiters you choose.
    2013-12-04 Tags: by klotz
  6. 2013-11-10 Tags: by klotz
  7. Merge mboxen. First argument is taken to be the destination mbox, all
    # other arguments are asssumed to be source mboxen. If a message doesn't
    # have a Message-ID, construct one using MD5. Can read Maildirs as well.
    # Uses Mail::Folder::Mbox, which is nominally obsolete. Will optionally
    # delete messages older than date (ISO format YYYYMMDDhh:mm:ss) from
    # source mbox(en).
    2013-10-06 Tags: , by klotz
  8. 2013-09-22 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz
  9. my %hash = %{shift()};
    2013-07-10 Tags: by klotz

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