klotz: steve jobs*

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  1. Markoff reflects on the history of Silicon Valley, from its beginnings in the 1960s to the present day

    The article reflects on the intersection of technology and counterculture in Silicon Valley, exploring the tension between the open-source spirit of the hacker counterculture and the capitalist ambitions of venture capitalists. It discusses the history of Silicon Valley, the role of psychedelics, and the paradox of the region's ability to simultaneously allow diverse cultures to thrive.

    Markoff emphasizes the importance of understanding the complex nature of Silicon Valley, which is not just about making money, but also about, as Steve Jobs invoked in Stewart Brand's phrase, "stay hungry, stay foolish" , remaining curious and open to new ideas.
  2. This article discusses the MIT Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab's 'Tourist Policy' and how it impacted students' access to its resources. As a high school student in Maryland, the author shares their experience of using the lab's PDP-10s over the ARPANET and how it inspired them to learn and contribute to the MIT community.

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