Tags: arduino* + esp32*

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  1. Adafruit shares their top ten new products released in 2024, featuring innovative electronics and DIY gadgets.

    1. **Raspberry Pi Pico 2W** - An update from Raspberry Pi Foundation that brings significant performance and feature improvements while retaining compatibility with the earlier Raspberry Pi Pico series.

    2. **Adafruit CH334F Mini 4-Port USB Hub Breakout** - A USB 2.1 hub chip that converts one high-speed port into four, useful for connecting more than one USB device.

    3. **Adafruit I2S MEMS Microphone Breakout – ICS-43434** - A tiny and purely digital MEMS microphone that offers good sound detection and conversion capabilities.

    4. **Adafruit I2C Stemma QT Rotary Encoder Breakout with Encoder** - A user-friendly rotary encoder breakout that tracks pulses and pins for instant rotary feedback.

    5. **Adafruit bq25185 USB / DC / Solar Lithium Ion/Polymer charger** - A flexible charger board that works with various types of batteries and power sources.

    6. **Adafruit Feather RP2350 with HSTX Port** - A battery-powered development board that allows use of any FeatherWings and is packed with goodies.

    7. **Adafruit USB Type C Plug Breakout** - A plug that provides the basics of USB C, with a stable semi-through hole mounting configuration.

    8. **USB C Small Round Panel Mount Extension Cable** - A compact and easy-to-install panel-mount USB C cable that can fit into various holes.

    9. **Adafruit HDC3022 Precision Temperature & Humidity Sensor** - A high-accuracy sensor for temperature and humidity measurement, upgraded with a PTFE filter cover.

    10. **Adafruit Pixel Shifter – For Addressable LEDs** - A solution to address voltage level expectations for NeoPixel-compatible pixels, ensuring stable behavior without flickering or weird behavior.
  2. Waveshare has launched the Double Eye LCD module, featuring two 0.71-inch round IPS displays with 160×160 pixels of resolution and 65K color depth, aimed at applications like wearables, robotics, and IoT devices.
  3. Wokwi offers a range of simulators for various microcontrollers and platforms, including Arduino, ESP32, STM32, and Raspberry Pi. It also provides tools for VS Code, CI, and JetBrains, and features a variety of IoT and simulation projects, as well as a selection of Arduino projects.
  4. A Trinket for The Pawn Shop, interacting with an OLED screen and an LED strip, displaying messages and scanning for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices.
    2024-10-10 Tags: , , , , , , , by klotz
  5. A Flasher utility for DIY miners to flash NerdMiner firmware onto various boards, such as LILYGO S3 Dongle, LILYGO T-Display-AMOLED, ESP32-WROOM, LILYGO T-QT, TDisplay v1.14, ESP32-2432S028R, and M5-StampS3. The flashing process should take less than one minute.
  6. Track Bitcoin prices automatically with an ESP32 and an OLED display using MicroPython or Arduino.

    /u/BesBesCat writes:
    JSONVar getBTC() {
      String serverPath = "http://api.coindesk.com/v1/bpi/currentprice.json";
      jsonBuffer = httpGETRequest(serverPath.c_str());
      JSONVar myObject = JSON.parse(jsonBuffer);
      return myObject;
    // Use Coindesk's API instead.
    2024-09-22 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  7. CodeCell is a tiny, Arduino-compatible module with an ESP32-C3, sensors (light, proximity, optional motion), and USB-C charging. Perfect for robotics, wearables, and IoT projects.
    2024-09-10 Tags: , , , , , , by klotz
  8. Arduino IDE extension to get a more meaningful explanation of the stack traces and backtraces on ESP8266/ESP32
    2024-07-12 Tags: , , , , by klotz
  9. The SQFMI Watchy is a fully open-source, hackable ePaper watch based on the ESP32 with a crisp, glare-free 1.54" 200x200 ePaper display which can be programmed using the Arduino IDE and lots of your favourite Arduino/ESP libraries!
  10. Watchy is a customizable watch face platform with various watch faces and a feature to create your own watch face
    2024-07-05 Tags: , , , , , by klotz

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