Tags: firmware* + iot*

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  1. A minimalist Go system for embedded devices, such as Raspberry Pi. gokrazy uses its own minimal Go userland instead of a traditional Linux distribution base, providing advantages in terms of security, maintainability, and reliability.
  2. This GitHub repository contains the Hackers-Nightlight project, which showcases the attack possibilities and vulnerabilities of smart light bulbs. Specifically, it discusses the ESP32-C3 microcontroller's capabilities in certain smart light models, such as the Vont Smartlight Pro, for WiFi network penetration and exploitation. The README provides a detailed guide on how to flash custom firmware onto the ESP32-C3 to create a backdoor for remote connectivity and packet sniffing.
  3. Watchy is an open source E-Ink Smartwatch with a MIT license. Development resources and documentation can be found on the official website watchy.sqfmi.com. There are also several retailers selling the watch hardware. See the documentation for instructions on how to get started with developing for Watchy.
  4. MicroPython, a Python interpreter for microcontrollers, has released version 1.23 with several improvements. Notably, it now supports creating custom USB devices on multiple levels and has received improvements for OpenAMP, an inter-core communication protocol.

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