Tags: ieee*

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  1. Clark Johnson, an IEEE Life Fellow, and his team have developed a method to store big data using an antiquated photography technique, creating a storage system that is durable, low-energy, and tamperproof.
  2. The article discusses technologies to radiation-harden future spacecraft electronics, including silicon carbide semiconductors, advanced CMOS designs, photonics, and nonvolatile memory, to avoid issues like the ones that almost doomed the Europa Clipper mission.
  3. The article discusses the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) and search engines, exploring two themes: Search4LLM, which focuses on enhancing LLMs using search engines, and LLM4Search, which looks at improving search engines with LLMs.
  4. Explore the potential of the open-source Meshtastic protocol and mesh radio technology for long-range IoT applications. Learn how to build and test your own projects with the RAKwireless Meshtastic development board and HelTXT handheld communicators.
  5. Researchers from NYU Tandon School of Engineering investigated whether modern natural language processing systems could solve the daily Connections puzzles from The New York Times. The results showed that while all the AI systems could solve some of the puzzles, they struggled overall.
  6. 2015-03-07 Tags: , , , by klotz

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