Tags: llm* + llama.cpp* + github*

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  1. Retrochat is chat application that supports Llama.cpp, Kobold.cpp, and Ollama. It highlights new features, commands for configuration, chat management, and models, and provides a download link for the release.
    2024-06-14 Tags: , , , , , , , by klotz
  2. Utilities for Llama.cpp, OpenAI, Anthropic, Mistral-rs. A collection of tools for interacting with various large language models. The code is written in Rust and includes functions for loading models, tokenization, prompting, text generation, and more.
  3. llm-tool provides a command-line utility for running large language models locally. It includes scripts for pulling models from the internet, starting them, and managing them using various commands such as 'run', 'ps', 'kill', 'rm', and 'pull'. Additionally, it offers a Python script named 'querylocal.py' for querying these models. The repository also come
  4. - create a custom base image for a Cloud Workstation environment using a Dockerfile
    . Uses:

    Quantized models from

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